Top 3 Supply Chain Transformation Barriers Impacting Top Line and Bottom Line




MAY 19 | 2021

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    Supply Chain Digital Transformation Barriers


    Supply Chain Network Functions are in separate, isolated systems.  The lack of interoperability creates a barrier to capabilities and stifles innovation. Solutions for disruptive and unpredictable supply chain challenges can only come from thorough knowledge of business operations.

    limited visibility

    Limited Visibility & Prediction

    Being able to understand changes in the supply chain and quickly react as well as being able to use patterns of activity to predict outcomes and take preventative action is difficult. This can make it hard to:

    • Accurately predict or prescribe
    • View true real-time visibility across the business and hence cannot take actions on events
    • Effectively use AI and ML

    Disjointed Convergence & Orchestration

    Connecting operational activities with coordinated actions across your supply chain network needs to be continuous. Integrate outside of your organization with virtually any system. This can impact your ability to:

    • Adapt to your ever-changing supply chain network in time
    • Truly connect Suppliers, Customers and Consumers through Systems, Apps and Things (IoT)
    • Perform Scenario Planning and Process Automation

    Slow Speed to Solution

    A complex, hard to maintain tech stack means deploying new solutions can take years. It also makes it hard to maintain enterprise governance, quality and reliability. This limits innovation because too much effort is needed for maintenance.

    • Time to market takes years
    • Maintenance eats into innovation
    • Enterprise governance is laborious
    • Too many tech stacks
    • Way too many black boxes


    Shan Muthuvelu

    Kimberly Reuter
    Chief Advisor, Leader
    CSG Consulting

    Scott Luton
    Founder, CEO
    Supply Chain NOW

    Greg White
    Investor, Board Director &
    Advisor to high-growth tech